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WELCOME to WWAA Youth Baseball & Softball!

Since 1962, Westgate-Westside Athletic Association (WWAA) has been providing youth in the Omaha community with organized recreational baseball and softball leagues to learn and develop sportsmanship, teamwork, fair play, and baseball and softball skills.  We are a non-profit organization that serves youths from the Westside neighborhoods and throughout Omaha. 

WWAA plays its home games on fields located south of Interstate 80 at 84th Street (You can see them from the interstate). These fields are owned and operated by the West Omaha Baseball Foundation.


Registration is now open until March 3rd.

Register before February 1 to receive an early bird discount on your registration fees!

 Teams will be formed in early March, with practices starting at the end of the month. Picture Day will be April 26th with Opening Day and the Parade on April 27th. Games will start that day and run through the end of June. 

Rain Out Info

Our Facebook page will have field rain out info. Click LIKE our page or click the follow button below to stay up to date. You can also see the feed on this page if you don't follow us or aren't on Facebook. We will only post if we are rained out or if there is another unique scenario. M-F we will make an announcement by 4:00 pm typically. Weekend games will be harder to determine but we will try to update as soon as our grounds crew makes the call!

WWAA Gear is Here!

Support your team and our league by ordering shirts, long sleeve shirts, hoodies, and more! A variety of brands and colors are available for both players, parents, and fans.

The best thing: up to 35% of your purchase goes back to the league as a fundraiser!

Shop here to support WWAA and get some great gear for this upcoming season!

WWAA Board Positions Open!

New Board Members Still Needed!

WWAA is a non-profit, volunteer driven organization and we have a number of spots open on our board for this coming year and we'd love to have you help us out! REMEMBER - serving in an active capacity on the board satisfies your volunteer time for the year!

Some of the positions we are looking to fill are:

Fundraising Coordinator (Coordinate and develop fund raising activities for the league)

Volunteer Coordinator (Learn from current (retiring) Volunteer Coordinator how to create volunteer opportunities that parents can claim and then give credit before the end of the season)

Do these sound like you?! No baseball or softball knowledge needed! And we have other spots to help with too! Click below to contact a board member for information on how YOU can help keep WWAA as “ONE OF THE BEST LEAGUES” in Omaha!


WWAA Division Rules

New to the league and wondering what your division's rules are? Need a refresher or to see what has changed?

Mandatory Background Checks and Abuse Awareness Training for Coaches/Team Parents

Before having the first practice with a team, we require all coaches and team parents to complete a background check and complete abuse awareness training. This is vital to keep all our players in a safe environment! We will reach out to those who have signed up to coach or be a team parent to fill out this information.